China’s Ministry of Commerce has decided to initiate a sunset review investigation into anti-dumping duties applicable to solar-grade polysilicon imports from the...
Mumbai-based Borosil Renewables has announced a 50% expansion of its manufacturing capacity of solar glass from 1,000 to 1,500 tons a day. The company’s board of...
S.B.B. Mouldings, Kintech Synergy, Enertech Fuel Solutions, Prozeal Green Energy, Ausom Enterprise, Drashta Green Power, and SAEL Industries won Gujarat Urja Vikas...
The Indian solar industry faces potential disruption due to the imposition of anti-dumping duties on solar glass imports from China. While designed to protect domestic...
India installed 1.9 GW of rooftop solar capacity in the first nine months (9M) of 2024, exceeding both the annual and 9M additions of all previous years. The period saw...
The Indian Ministry of Finance has issued a notification imposing provisional anti-dumping duties on textured, tempered, coated, and uncoated solar glass imported from...
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced its preliminary affirmative determinations in the anti-dumping duty investigations of crystalline photovoltaic cells, whether...
Gentari Renewables India Utilities 2, Juniper Green Energy, EG Energy Development (Enfinity Global), Sunsure Solarpark RJ One, and Adyant Enersol (Datta Infra)...
The U.S. Department of Commerce has imposed anti-dumping duties at rates ranging from 2.02% to 376.85% and countervailing duties at rates ranging from 1.44% to 168.81%...
The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced a preliminary determination that aluminum extrusions from India, used in racking, trackers, and mounting frames for solar...
The global energy storage sector witnessed a 432% increase year-over-year in corporate funding, totaling $11.7 billion across 29 transactions, from $2.2 billion in 27...
In a significant move aimed at protecting the burgeoning U.S. solar manufacturing sector, the American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee has filed...
Polysilicon imports into China dropped 28.5% in 2023 to 62,965 metric tons (MT), the lowest level since 2011, according to Germany-based polysilicon market research firm...
The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has initiated an anti-dumping investigation on imports of textured tempered coated and uncoated glass originating in or...
The Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) has recommended the extension of anti-dumping duty on the imports of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) backsheets originating...
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Mar 4, 2025