West Bengal Issues O&M Tender for 3.5 MW Rooftop Solar Project

The last date to submit bids is September 6, 2024


The West Bengal Power Development Corporation (WBPDCL) has invited bids for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of a 3.5 MW rooftop solar project at the Sagardighi thermal power project.

The last date to submit the bids is September 6, 2024. Bids will be opened on September 10.

The estimated value of the tender is ₹5.24 million (~$62,413) for two years.

Bidders must submit an earnest money deposit of ₹1.04 million (~$1,249).

If the accepted bid value is 80% or less of the estimate put to tender, the successful bidder must submit 10% of the tendered amount as additional performance security.

The scope of work covers operation and maintenance, including administrative and day-to-day operations, as well as preventive, corrective, and condition-based maintenance.

Bidders must maintain project operation reports and handle module washing and part replacement.

Bidders should have experience in O&M of at least one 2 MW ground-mounted or 1 MW rooftop/floating solar power project in the government, quasi-government, or private sector within the last seven years.

Bidders should have completed one of the following:

  • A single order worth not less than ₹2.1 million (~$25,013) per year
  • Two orders worth not less than ₹1.31 million (~$15,603) per year per order
  • Three orders worth not less than ₹1.05 million (~$12,506) per year per order

The contractor must submit a bank guarantee of 10% of the contract value as a security deposit. If the contractor fails to do so, 10% of the monthly allocation will be deducted from the monthly bill as a security deposit. This amount will be released three months after the completion of the contract.

The average annual turnover of the bidders for three consecutive years (FY 2019-20, FY 2020-21, and FY 2021-22) should not be less than ₹786,000 (~$9,361.53), and net worth should be positive in each year.

In March 2024, WBPDCL invited bids to operate and maintain a 10 MW ground-mounted solar power project at the Sagardighi thermal power project.

In February 2024, WBPDCL invited bids to build a 10 MW solar power project on a turnkey basis along the Teesta Canal bank in the Uttar Dinajpur district of West Bengal.

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