Uttar Pradesh Approves PPA for 14.5 MW of Municipal Solid Waste Projects

The developer had petitioned the commission for two projects


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The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) has given its approval to the power purchase agreement (PPA) signed between Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) and Accord Hydroair (Pikhuwa) Private Limited.

The PPA was signed between UPPCL and Accord Hydroair in April 2018, for the purchase of power produced from municipal solid waste (MSW) based projects at Pipalheda village (9 MW) and Phikuwa village (5.5 MW) of the state.

Though the commission had already determined the tariff rate of ₹7.50 ($0.11)/kWh for projects commissioned in FY 2018-2019, the UPERC noted it was not followed by both the parties. Since the PPA was inked and both the developer and UPPCL had agreed for a tariff of ₹7.19 ($0.103)/kWh for FY 2019-2020, it has been approved by the commission.

The commission further stated that for the determination of tariff in the future years, it must be done as per the new CRE Regulations 2014, for the control period 2019-2024.

The CERC has set generic tariffs for the purchase of electricity from a host of renewable energy generation sources during FY 2019-20. The levelized generic tariff applies to small hydro projects, biomass with Rankine cycle projects, non-fossil fuel-based co-generation projects, biomass gasifiers, and biogas-based projects. For solar PV, solar thermal, wind (onshore and offshore), municipal solid waste (MSW)/refuse derived fuel (RDF) and other emerging renewable energy technologies, the determined tariff will be project specific, and not generic, the CERC had ordered.

Earlier, the UPERC approved amendments to the bidding documents for the procurement of bagasse-based power from generators by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd.

In its latest ruling, the UPERC had instructed UPPCL to conduct a transparent, competitive bidding process for the procurement of power from co-generators who are producing power from mixed fuel using bagasse and spent wash. The UPPCL had sought the UPERC’s permission to enter into a PPA with co-generators who are generating power from bagasse and spent wash based mixed fuel.


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