Tamil Nadu’s Tiruppur Smart City Floats Tender for a 2 MW Solar Project

The bid submission deadline is July 23, 2019


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Tamil Nadu’s Tiruppur City Municipal Corporation (TCMC) has floated a tender for a 2 MW ground-mounted solar project in Iduvai village.

The tender is floated through the corporation’s special purpose vehicle (SPV), Tiruppur Smart City Limited (TSCL). The solar power generated from the project will be wheeled to Tiruppur Corporation’s water pumping station, and the project will be executed on a turnkey basis.

The bid submission deadline is July 23, 2019. The technical bid opening date is July 24, 2019. The earnest money deposit (EMD) to be submitted by the interested bidders is ₹1.18 million (~$ 17,300).

The scope of the project includes the engineering, procurement and supply, packing and forwarding, transportation unloading, storage, site development, construction, testing, and commissioning of the solar project. Comprehensive operation and maintenance (O&M) services for ten years will also be the responsibility of the successful bidder.

The scope of work also includes the supply of solar panels and module mounting structures and fasteners, power conditioning systems including junction boxes, inverters, circuit breakers, supply and erection of weather monitoring station, including solar radiation sensors, along with all the associated electrical work.

The performance bank guarantee has been specified as 2% of the total contract value, which is to be deposited within 14 days from the date of issue of the letter of intent (LoI). The tender specifies that bidders can participate in this tender either as a single entity or as a consortium. However, the number of members in the consortium cannot exceed two (including the lead member).

Earlier this year, Tiruppur Smart City Limited had also issued a tender to develop 4.8 MW of solar power projects at Iduvai village.

An increasing number of city corporations, especially Smart Cities, are turning to rooftop solar to meet their power needs and also to curb emissions sustainably. For instance, last month, Jhansi Smart City Limited had issued two tenders to set up rooftop solar projects across buildings in the city. Before that, Vellore Smart City Limited issued a tender for grid-connected solar rooftop systems for 130 buildings.

Image credit: Cleantech Solar


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