Tender Issued to Solarize 25,000 Agricultural Pumps in Punjab
The last day to submit the bids is October 7, 2022
September 14, 2022
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Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) has invited bids to commission 29 solar projects with a cumulative capacity of 53.69 MW and associated transmission lines in the Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) mode for feeder level solarization of about 25,000 agriculture pumps of 65 feeders.
The projects are tendered under component C of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) program.
The successful bidders must also provide 25 years of operation and maintenance. They also must integrate the projects’ remote monitoring system data with the PM-KUSUM portal for 25 years.
The last day to submit the bids is October 7, 2022. Bids will be opened on October 10.
The cost of the bidding documents is ₹10,000 (~$126). Bidders must furnish an earnest money deposit of ₹100,000 (~$1,259)/MW of quoted capacity. Successful bidders must furnish a performance bank guarantee of ₹500,000 (~$6,294)/MW of quoted capacity within one month from the work order.
Bidders must have supplied, installed, and commissioned grid-connected solar projects of a total cumulative capacity of 1 MW during the last three years in India for each MW of quoted capacity.
During the last three financial years, bidders must have an average annual turnover of ₹50 million (~$629,123)/MW of quoted capacity. During the last three financial years, their net worth must be positive and a minimum of ₹10 million (~$125,824)/MW of quoted capacity for any one year.
On successful commissioning, developers will get a Central Financial Assistance (CFA) of ₹10.5 million (~$132,115)/MW of commissioned capacity. Financing of up to 100% of the total eligible CFA will be released to the developer on successful operation and performance for two months after the commissioning with at least one month’s Capacity Utilization Factor (CUF) as agreed in the power purchase agreement.
Recently, PEDA invited bids to empanel vendors to install a cumulative capacity of 5 MW of grid-connected rooftop solar systems on government buildings in the state.
Earlier, PEDA invited bids to install and commission 243 grid-connected rooftop solar systems (5 kW capacity each) with an aggregate capacity of 1.215 MW at government schools and district institutes of education and training.
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