POWERGRID Secures ISTS Transmission Project in Gujarat

The systems will be established on a BOOT basis


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Power Grid Corporation of India (POWERGRID) has won a project to provide reactive compensation for an inter-state transmission (ISTS) project in Gujarat from  PFC Consulting, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Power Finance Corporation (PFC).

The project involves the provision of dynamic reactive compensation at Khavda Pooling Station 1 (KPS1) and Khavda Pooling Station 3 (KPS3). It has been awarded through a tariff-based competitive bidding process, and the system will be established on a build, own, operate, and transfer basis.

The project includes installing Static Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs) at KPS1 and KPS3 and the related bay extension work.

These installations are crucial to maintaining voltage stability and improving the overall efficiency of the power transmission network in the region.

The transmission service provider (TSP) will have to ensure that the design, construction, and testing of all equipment, facilities, components, and systems related to the Project are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Transmission Service Agreement, as well as the relevant Rules, Regulations, Orders, and Guidelines issued by the Central Government.

They will also be responsible for obtaining the Transmission License from the Commission.

Transmission Charges will be payable by the designated ISTS Customers in Indian Rupees through the CTU, in accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, as amended from time to time. Bidders must quote the Transmission Charges based on the pre-defined structure.

Recently, PFC Consulting also invited bids to select a transmission service provider to establish an inter-state transmission system to evacuate 3 GW of renewable energy from the Raghanesda area in Gujarat under Phase I.

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