NTPC Tenders Transmission System Package with Land for 500 MW of Solar Projects

The last date to submit the bids is March 21, 2022


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NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NTPC REL) has invited bids for acquiring land, and an extra-high voltage (EHV) transmission system package for the development of 500 MW state transmission utility (STU) connected solar projects in Rajasthan.

The last date to submit the bid is March 21, 2022.

Bidders must pay the cost of bidding documents amounting to ₹22,500 (~$298).

Successful bidders must submit a bid security amount of ₹5 million (~$66,130) for a quoted capacity of 250 MW and ₹10 million (~$132,260) for a capacity of 500 MW.

The developers should have executed land arrangement and grid connectivity approval for solar PV projects of a cumulative capacity of 100 MW or higher. At least one project should be of 50 MW or higher capacity located at a single location.

The minimum average annual turnover of the bidder for any three financial years out of the preceding five financial years as of the date of techno-commercial bid opening, i.e., March 21, 2022, should be ₹100 million (~$1.32 million) for a quoted capacity of 50 MW to 300 MW. The minimum turnover for a quoted capacity of more than 300 MW and up to 500 MW is ₹200 million (~$2.64 million).

The bidders should have a positive net worth as on the last day of the preceding financial year.

The land requirement for the total 500 MW capacity is calculated to be around 2.250 acres. The developer will be required to provide the land either for a minimum capacity of 250 MW or for the total 500 MW. They must also arrange and transfer the land registration for the project.

The developer will also be required to construct the approach road to the plant boundary by self or state machinery if it does not exist already. The developer must also conduct a topography survey for land parcels and any cutting with compaction to maintain an average slope of 10% for solar project land.

The scope of work also includes transmission system-related works, including connectivity with STU in Rajasthan. The bidder must also ensure the construction and interconnection of the EHV transmission line till the Rajasthan STU substation, including arranging for the “Right of Way” of transmission line for 25+2 years and bay work at STU substation complying with relevant CEA standards. The bidders must also provide the EHV transmission line and STU substation operations and maintenance for three years from the project commissioning date.

A provision to change the overhead transmission lines to underground for power evacuation of 500 MW or 250 MW capacity in the Great Indian Bustard area subject to future statutory orders would be available at a “predefined” additional payable cost per MW/km basis.

Last month NTPC REL had invited bids for a balance of system package with land for 300 MW of inter-state transmission system-connected solar projects to be set up anywhere in India. The last date to submit bids is March 4, 2022.

NTPC REL had also invited another bid for a BoS package with land for up to 1,000 MW of ISTS-connected solar projects to be set up anywhere in India.


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