MSEDCL Invites Bids to Procure 1,052 MW Solar Power for Irrigation Programs
The last date for the submission of bids is April 16, 2024
March 21, 2024
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Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company (MSEDCL) has invited bids for the procurement of power on a long-term basis from 1,052 MW grid-connected solar projects to be set up on lands of the water resource department of Maharashtra for lift irrigation programs.
The power procurement is expected to help MSEDCL achieve its renewable purchase obligations.
The project will be eligible for State Financial Assistance (SFA) under the Solarization of Lift Irrigation program and will receive ₹32 million (~$)/MW for capacity corresponding to the project size. The SFA will be released in phases depending on the percentage of work completed.
The last date for the submission of bids is April 16, 2024. Bids will be opened on the same day.
Bidders must pay a non-refundable fee of ₹25,000 (~$301.57) + GST and ₹1.5 million (~$18,094) + GST as a bid processing fee.
Bidders must submit an earnest money deposit of ₹800,000 (~$9,613.87)/MW.
The selected bidders approved by MSEDCL must provide a performance bank guarantee amounting to ₹2 million (~$24,035)/MW at least seven days before the power purchase agreement (PPA) signing.
If multiple bids are submitted by the same company, including its parent, ultimate parent, affiliates, or group companies, all bids from the group will be considered invalid.
Bidders’ net worth for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2023, must be at least ₹10 million (~$120,172.5)/MW of the quoted capacity. Additionally, they should have a minimum annual turnover of ₹3.52 million (~$42,300)/MW of the quoted capacity during the preceding fiscal year, i.e., FY 2022-23.
Bidders must acquire all necessary clearances and permits to establish solar power projects and ensure the delivery of power from the solar project at the designated delivery point.
The project must be designed to deliver energy to the designated delivery point.
The successful bidder will be responsible for obtaining grid connectivity with the State Transmission Utility (STU), such as Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission (MSETCL) or the Distribution Company (DISCOM).
Within 12 months from the execution date of the PPA, the successful bidder must provide documentary evidence demonstrating the acquisition of grid connectivity in their name or that of their developer from the STU/DISCOM.
The developer must maintain a capacity utilization factor of 24%.
Earlier, MSEDCL also invited bids to procure 225 MW of power from decentralized solar projects of 500 kW to 2 MW under component-A of the Pradhan Mantri-Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) program.
In January, MSEDCL invited bids to procure 350 MW of solar power from projects to be developed in the state.
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