Karnataka Floats Tender for 100 MW of Solar Projects Across Five Talukas
The taluks chosen for the projects are: Mundargi, Gajendragad, Maski, Kuragodu, and Gurmatkal
October 15, 2018
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The Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) has issued a tender for the allotment of 100 MW of grid connected solar projects in five talukas across the state.
The last date of techno-commercial-bid and price-bid submission is November 12, 2018.
The project will be implemented in Mundargi, Gajendragad, Maski, Kuragodu and Gurmatkal talukas under built-own-operate basis. The minimum capacity set for this tender is 20 MW while the maximum for any given taluka will be 100 MW.
Some of the important dates regarding the tender are as follows:
- Last date of receipt of queries: October 17, 2018
- Pre-bid meeting: October 22, 2018
- Last date for purchase of tender document: November 12, 2018
- Due-date for submission of techno- commercial-bid and price-bid: November 12, 2018
- Due-date for submission of hard copy of techno-commercial-bid and price-bid: November 14, 2018
- Techno commercial bid opening: November 14, 2018
Mercom had earlier reported about the amendments to the Karnataka State Solar Policy 2014-21 that stated the increase in the capacity to 6 GW by March 2022, from its previous target of 4 GW. The solar power generation in the state was decided to be limited to 200 MW per taluk with the exception of rooftop solar to avoid grid congestion.
Before this, KREDL had tendered 200 MW of grid-connected solar projects to be developed across 10 talukas of the state. The talukas that were included under the project were Mundargi, Gajendragad, Lakshmeshwar, Savanur, Haveri, Kushtagi, Maski, Kuragodu, and Gurmatkal, and Hanur.
In December 2017, KREDL also tendered 860 MW of grid-connected solar PV to be developed across 43 taluks in Karnataka, out of which PPAs for grid-connected solar PV projects totaling 640 MW to be developed in various taluks of Karnataka have been signed.
According to Mercom’s India Solar project Tracker, Karnataka has approximately 5.3 GW large scale solar in operations and around 2 GW of projects are under development.