India Slaps Anti-Dumping Duties on Solar Glass Imports from China and Vietnam

Anti-dumping duties will range from $658–$664/MT for China and $570–$664/MT for Vietnam


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The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has finalized anti-dumping duties on imports of textured tempered solar glass from China and Vietnam.

A ministry investigation concluded that dumped of solar glass by the two countries had caused material injury to the domestic industry.

To offset the impact of dumped imports on the domestic industry, the investigation found it necessary to impose anti-dumping duties on the solar glass imports.

Anti-dumping duties have been determined within the range of $658-$664/MT for China and $570-$664/MT for Vietnam.

The investigation found the landed value of the imported solar glass is below the selling price of the domestic industry, thereby leading to price suppression.

It added that import prices have not moved along with the cost of production, which has prevented the domestic industry from increasing its prices.

It also revealed that in the investigation period from January 2023 to December 2023, imports from China and Vietnam increased significantly from 29,980 MT in 2020-21  to 779,017 MT during the period of investigation.

The investigation also added that due to the impact of dumped imports, the domestic industry’s market share declined significantly.

The table below provides details of the goods, tariff classifications, origin, export countries, producers, and the applicable provisional anti-dumping duties:

Borosil Renewable initiated the investigation which began in February 2024.

In November 2024, the Ministry of Finance issued provisional anti-dumping duties on imported textured, tempered, coated, and uncoated solar glass from China and Vietnam.

Additionally, the Ministry of Commerce concluded its anti-subsidy investigation on the import of solar glass from Vietnam.

Countervailing duties have been determined within the range of within the range of $539-$664/MT.

The table below provides details of the goods, tariff classifications, origin, export countries, producers, and the applicable provisional countervailing duties:

The investigation concluded that the imports from Vietnam increased manifold during the investigation period. It concluded that countervailing duties must be imposed on imports of solar glass Vietnam for five years in parallel with the imposition of anti-dumping duties.

The imposition of anti-dumping duties on solar glass imports has also raised concerns about further module price increases in an industry already grappling with higher costs since April following the reimposition of the Approved List of Models and Manufacturers.


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