Germany Invites Bids for 258 MW Rooftop Solar Systems

The last date to submit the bids is October 1, 2024.


Germany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has invited bids for 258 MW of rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.

The last date to submit the bids is October 1, 2024.

The tender follows a ‘pay as bid’ bidding procedure. The maximum value is €0.105 (~$0.12)/kWh. If the bid value surpasses the maximum value, the bid will be excluded from the award procedure.

Bidders must comply with the format specifications issued by the agency under the Renewable Energy Act.

Any unused cash deposits of project security, overpaid fees, and other payments received for this procedure will be released immediately after the results of this bidding date have been published.

This is the second phase of Germany’s target to procure 900 MW of solar systems through three rounds in 2024 under the Renewable Energy Act.

The first tender, issued in April this year, invited bids for 258 MW of rooftop solar PV systems.

Germany expects to tender 1,100 MW annually from 2025-2029. Last year, 650 MW was procured through tenders.

Last year, the agency reduced the price ceiling for rooftop solar auctions in 2024 to €0.105 (~$0.12)/kWh from €0.1125 (~$0.12)/kWh in 2023. The price cap (€0.735 (~$0.80)/kWh) for onshore wind and ground-mounted solar (€0.737 (~$0.80)/kWh) will remain the same as in 2023.

The ceiling prices for rooftop solar were reduced based on the decline in project costs. In the last round of auctions in 2023, there were not many bids above €0.105 (~$0.12)/kWh.

According to the agency, Germany installed 3.4 GW of solar power capacity in the second quarter of 2024, a 10.5% year-over-year decrease from 3.8 GW. The installations for January were 1.47 GW, February (1.14 GW), and March (1.1 GW).

Germany aims to install 215 GW of solar capacity by 2030, with 22 GW of capacity additions yearly.


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