CERC Releases White Paper on Energy Storage
January 23, 2017
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The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has released a white paper on energy storage systems in an effort to generate discussion among the stakeholders and better understand users’ perceptions about deployment and operation issues relating to grid-level storage technologies.
The CERC believes that a well-established policy and regulatory framework for energy storage can channel investment into this segment of the power sector. The white paper covers probable uses of storage technologies, operational framework, tariffs, and other related aspects.
The report envisions various applications of energy storage systems in India:
- enhance the reliability of delivery of power generated from wind and solar technologies by controlling the intermittent nature of the generation and in effect, increasing the value of renewable power.
- address peak demand usage by shifting delivery of economical generation output during peak periods.
- provide spinning reserves or ancillary support services.
- improve the efficiency of power system by storing excess generation over and above required generation for 50.00 Hz frequency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by wasteful excess capacity.
- reduce the need for major augmentation of new transmission grids.
- assist in black start operations during emergency preparedness providing robustness to the power system operation.
According to Mercom’s India Solar Project Tracker, in 2016, 322.5 MW of solar projects with battery energy storage system have been tendered in India. A memorandum of understanding has also been signed between the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), Andaman & Nicobar Administration, and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for NTPC to set up 50 MW of solar projects with battery energy storage systems at Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Image credit: “Energy Storage System” (CC BY-ND 2.0) by portland general